Last Updated 03/03/2021

MARCH 3, 2021

Until further notice, Dr. Angela Yen Moore, Arlington Center for Dermatology, and Arlington Research Center are asking that all patients continue to wear face masks that cover nose and mouth while on site.

Governor Abbott’s Executive Order (Issued March 2, 2021), while removing many restrictions regarding masks states:

“Individuals are strongly encouraged to wear face coverings over the nose and mouth wherever it is not feasible to maintain six feet of social distancing from another person not in the same household.

Nothing in this executive order precludes businesses or other establishments from requiring employees or customers to follow additional hygiene measures, including the wearing of a face covering.”

Because you will most likely be closer than six (6) feet to your medical provider and our medical staff during your examination and treatment, we ask that you continue to wear a mask covering your nose and mouth.

The Texas Medical Board also has not changed medical office rules, which still mandate masks and pre-screening for any symptoms of COVID or close exposure to someone with COVID or symptoms of COVID.  Our staff and medical providers will be wearing masks to protect you as they come in close contact with you during examinations and treatments.

Our clinic will continue to wear masks until further notice.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

Angela Yen Moore, MD

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